Nov 28, 2008

COURAGE doesn't always roar...
sometimes COURAGE is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying....
"I will try again tomorrow."
~Mary Raedmacher

Nov 25, 2008

I cannot do this alone....

O God, early in the morning I talk to you.
Help me to pray and to concentrate my thoughts on you:
I cannot do this alone.
In me there is darkness,
But with you there is LIGHT;
I am lonely, but you do not leave me;
I am feeble in heart, but with you there is HELP;
I am restless, but with you there is PEACE.
In me there is bitterness, but with you there is PATIENCE;
I do not understand your ways,
But you know the way for me…
Restore me to LIBERTY,
And enable me to live NOW
That I may answer before you and before me.
Lord, whatever this day may bring,
Your name be PRAISED.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Nov 24, 2008

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Nov 22, 2008

TIPS to keep UR FAMILY healthy this winter...

Here are some simple things you can do this winter to help stop the spread of colds and flues to your family:

Even the healthiest people end up exposed to sickness. Germs are everywhere and cannot be avoided. Good hand washing is essential to keeping yourself healthy. Wash your hands as much as possible, before eating, after eating, before and after using the bathroom, after contact with pets, messes, and even more often when you are around someone who is sick.
*Wet hands using warm water
*Use soap and lather up
*Rub hands together rubbing the soap between your fingers and up to your wrists for 20 seconds.
try to avoid contact with people when YOU are sick, and of course if you know someone else is sick it's better to keep your distance. Staying home is not always possible but try to think of other's when you are out and about and have a contagious illness. Cough far away from others, into your own hands and wash up afterwards. Also teach your children proper "cough etiquette" as well...
You want to stay warm outdoors so you put on a lot of warm clothes. Most of your body heat escapes out of the top of your head. To avoid this, wear a hat whenever you are out in the cold. If you dress in layers, when you .....
Exercising and eating healthfully is important to keep your immune system on track. You should exercise 4 to 6 times a week for 30-60 minutes. After you exercise, be sure to get out of your sweaty clothes and shower as soon as possible.
Staying hydrated is proven to boost your immune system and fight off the cold and flu germs.

if your child is running out the door without being properly dressed, then you are setting YOURSELF AND THEM UP TO BE SICK....

Nov 18, 2008

Goal Setting For Kids
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Nov 14, 2008

25 signs you have had too much to drink

1.) You lose arguments with a garden hose.
2.) You have to hold onto the lawn to keep from falling off the earth.
3.) Job interfering with you're drinking.
4.) Your doctor finds traces of blood in your alcohol stream.
5.) Career won't progress beyond Senator from Massachusetts.
6.) The back of your head keeps getting hit by the toilet lid.
7.) Sincerely believe alcohol to be the elusive 5th food group.
8.) 24 hours in a day. 24 beers in a case - coincidence?
9.) Two hands and just one mouth... - now THAT'S a drinking problem!
10.) You can focus better with one eye closed.
11.) The parking lot seems to have moved somewhere else while you were in the bar.
12.) Your twin sons are named Barley and Hops.
13.) Hey, 5 beers has just as many calories as a burger, screw dinner!
14.) Mosquitoes catch a buzz after attacking you
15.) At AA meetings you begin: "Hi, my name is... uh..."
16.) Your idea of cutting back is less salt.
17.) The whole bar says 'Hi' when you walk in.
18.) You think the Four Basic Food Groups are Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol, and Women
19.) Every night you're beginning to find your roommate's cat more and more attractive.
20.) Roseanne looks good.
21.) Don't recognize wife unless seen through bottom of glass.
22.) That stupid pink elephant followed me home again.
23.) Senator's Kennedy and Packwood shake their heads when they walk past you.
24.) "I'm as jober as a sudge."
25.) The shrubbery's drunk from too frequent watering.

Nov 13, 2008

How to OVERcome the Holiday Blues

There are many factors that can cause the depressed, stressed, agitated, fatigued, down and out, dreaded bad feelings that many people experience over the holidays.
In order to effectively resolve and overcome the holiday blues, you need to know what they are about for you.
There is no one universal solution, since what is depressing or stressful for one person may not be for someone else, and what works for one may not work for another.
Pay attention to your specific issues and situation.
How and what you pay attention to is important.
The holiday blues are so obvious, people tend to either focus on how bad they are feeling, or put their focus on avoiding the bad feelings.
Unfortunately, neither tactic will resolve the issues, and could easily make things worse.
It is important to realize that the bad feelings are not the real problem.
The bad feelings are a symptom of a problem.
You are reacting to something that is not right and you haven’t fixed it or resolved it yet.
It could be something that has happened or is happening in your world, or something within you, such as your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, or a combination of external and internal factors. Look beyond the bad feelings,
pay attention,
let yourself know what you are reacting to.
The solution to many of the issues may be obvious once the issues or real problems are identified.
Some common causes
The holidays are supposed to be a time of happiness, good cheer, joy, fellowship with loved ones and optimistic hopes for the coming new year.
During the holiday season, we are bombarded and inundated with reminders of the holidays. The multitude of reminders can be a trigger for several unresolved issues such as:
Past loses.
Unresolved grief.
Anticipating a significant loss.
Contrast between then and now.
Disappointment about now.
Contrast between image of holiday joy and reality of ones life.
Sense of increased isolation and loneliness.
The holiday season is also a busier and more stressful time.
We have more things to do, more things to buy, there is more traffic, parking is more difficult, stores are crowded and we wait longer.
The extra demands on our time, attention, energy and finances can be very stressful, and for some, the "holiday blues."
Problem solve it.
Don't make yourself helpless and don't accept the role of a victim.
There is much you can do to make it better for yourself.
If your holiday blues are a manifestation of the stress from all the extra demands of the holidays, do some things to reduce the demands.
Rethink how you view and approach the holidays.
Also review your beliefs about what you have to do and the consequences of not doing what you believe you must do.
Is it really necessary to buy all those people gifts?
Is it really necessary to buy such expensive gifts?
What is the purpose and meaning of your giving?
Might there be an even more meaningful way of giving that is less demanding on you.
Don't forget to keep the overall picture in mind.
Making the effort to get a gift or do something nice for one person may be easy, but it gets more difficult and demanding on you as you increase the number of people you give to.
Sometimes just deciding what to get or do for someone is difficult and time consuming.
What could you do to make it less demanding?
Don't just follow your tradition without talking to your family and friends about it.
Families and relationships change over time, so make sure current efforts are appropriate for how your family and relationships are now.
Brainstorm with your family about it, or ask your friends how they approach it.
You might also be able come up with a better plan, such as giving yourself more time by starting your efforts several weeks earlier.
If your holiday blues are stemming from past losses, take advantage of the holidays to help you complete your mourning and finish your grieving over the loss. You will likely need to feel the sadness and grief, and be intellectually clear with yourself as to what you lost and the magnitude of the loss. If you accept the loss and the feelings that go along with the loss, the intensity of the bad feelings will lessen. In order to complete mourning and finish grieving, one has to find other ways of getting his/her needs met that were met by the person that is gone. It might be difficult and it will require effort, but don't let yourself lose more than necessary. Once you complete your grieving you will be able to experience good feelings when you reminisce. You might have a twinge of sadness at times, but the agonizing pain will be gone.
There are many different kinds of losses that cause grief.
There is a loss of loved one, loss of meaning and purpose, loss of health, loss of a body part, loss of important material things, loss of status, as well as past, present and anticipated future loss, to list a few.
I can not outline the specifics of how to handle all the different types of loss and the holiday blues, but
I can give you three principles that if applied properly will enable you to overcome the holiday blues.
The three principles are in the first verse of the Serenity Prayer which reads,
"God grant me the serenity to (1) accept the things I can not change, (2) the courage to change the things I can, and (3) the wisdom to know the difference.
Learn how to apply these three principles and serenity will replace the holiday blues.

Nov 9, 2008

You must be the CHANGE YOU wish to see in the WORLD

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi

Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.
Mahatma Gandhi
A coward is incapable of exhibiting love;it is the prerogative of the brave. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Nov 7, 2008

How to Support the President You Didn't Vote For

Voting for a US President, often times, requires a lot of time and energy.
You read a lot, watch debates, and fend off an onslaught of advertising. Once you've voted and later find out your candidate didn't win, you might be angry, upset, or physically sick. Embrace the new President. Here's how and why.
First and foremost, we are the greatest nation in the world.
Yes, we still are.
So give the due respect to the leader of this great nation.
Put your country first.
Trust that the new President will do the same.
Forget about all the negative information that was said about the new President during the campaigns and remember it's okay for people to respectfully disagree with one another. That's how you learn. That's how you grow. This is what our country is all about.
Never speak negatively about our President and/or his policies to anyone other than another American. Perception isn't everything, but close to it.
It's important how our country is perceived in the world and could make a difference in our bargaining power on many fronts.
Keep pressure on your Congressman to promote the ideas and concerns of you and your community. You'll be surprised at how often the new President agrees with you.
Everyone deserves a chance.
Give the new President a chance to lead.
You were probably so focused on the positives of your candidate and the negatives of the opposing candidate that you may have failed to see the positive attributes of the President you didn't vote for.

Nov 6, 2008

Sowing the Seeds of Self

Self-admiration giveth much consolation.
--Gertrude Atherton

Looking in the mirror is a startling subjective experience.

When facing her reflection, one woman may say to herself, "I wish my hips were smaller," or "My fat hips make me ugly." Or she could say, "My curves make me sexy."
In each example, the hips are the same—it's how a woman feels about them that's different. But where do these feelings come from?
Whether or not you realize it, you've spent your entire life developing them, honing them, cloning them.
Transforming the messages communicated by society, your family, your friends, your rivals, and your enemies into cellular memory.
"As preschoolers, boys and girls have already learned the lessons about physical appearance that our society teaches," explains psychologist Thomas Cash, author of

"What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?"

"They know that lovely Cinderella gets the prince; her ugly and mean stepsisters do not. From childhood on . . . we judge our self-worth by the physical standards we've absorbed." The world's standards—to be extraordinarily thin, conventionally attractive, and forever young—are uncompromising and unrealistic, yet so pervasive in the media that women who do not conform (and who does?) feel flawed, inferior, unsuccessful, unlovable.
Society's ideals are reinforced in children by parents who overemphasize the importance of appearance, consciously or unconsciously. Their messages, be they subtle or painfully obvious, are expressed in dozens of ways: Were you put on a diet as a child or compared unfavorably to a sibling? Or were you praised for your prettiness, made to feel that it was your looks that made you lovable? Did your father disparage your mother for the way she looked? Or did she obsess about her own appearance? Don't discount the influence of friends and classmates: Being teased as a child or ostracized as a teenager can undermine the efforts of the most accepting parents.
Do you have memories of experiences that might have contributed to the way you see yourself today? As an adult, you may be able to "understand" them, to understand that your parents' criticisms did not mean they didn't love you, or that the bullies at school were acting purely out of their own insecurities. But this doesn't make the memories any less hurtful or their hold on you any less powerful. However, facing them, before you face yourself in the mirror, is the crucial first step in reshaping your body image.
A lifetime pattern of self-denigration is not going to disappear overnight.

You're going to have to learn how to replace your automatic criticisms with praise. Self-admiration takes many forms. It can and should include the new compliments you pay to yourself everyday. But the most powerful self-compliment of all is honoring the promises you make to your own soul.


Live a balanced life - learn some & think some & draw

& PaInT & sInG & DaNcE & PlAy & WoRk every day some.

You & i... walking with me all this time

Prov. 31:17 She sets about her work vigorously

Prov. 31:17 She sets about her work vigorously

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