Oct 23, 2009

Hayride & Bonfire

Rain automatic Cancelled!!!!
Fundraiser for Youth Group
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Church of God Saints In Christ
$7.00 for adults
$4.00 students
Kids under 3 Free!
Hope to See you there!

Oct 7, 2009


Relationship help... skill #1:
The ability to manage stress
Stress shuts down your ability to feel, to think rationally, and to be emotionally available to another person, essentially blocking good communication until both you and your partner feel safe enough to focus on one another.
This damages the relationship.
Being able to regulate stress allows you to remain emotionally available.
The first step in communicating with emotional intelligence iis recognizing when stress levels are out of control and returning yourself and others, whenever possible, to a relaxed and energized state of awareness.
To learn how, see How to Manage Stress: Tips to Quickly Relieve Stress in the Moment
Relationship help skill #2:

The ability to recognize and manage your emotions
Emotional exchanges hold the communication process together.

These exchanges are triggered by basic emotions, including anger, sadness, fear, joy, and disgust. To communicate in a way that grabs or engages others, you have to be able to access your emotions and recognize how they influence your actions and relationships.
However, your emotions may be distorted, numbed, or buried – especially if you’ve experienced early-life traumas such as loss, isolation, or abuse.

Unfortunately, without emotional awareness, we are unable to fully understand our own motivations and needs, or to communicate effectively with others.

In order to be emotionally healthy and emotionally intelligent, your must reconnect to your core emotions.
For step-by-step advice on how to reconnect to your emotions, see Emotional Awareness: Managing and Dealing with Your Emotions and Feelings.
Relationship help skill #3:

The ability to communicate nonverbally
The most powerful forms of communication contain no words, and take place at a much faster rate than speech. Using nonverbal communication is the way to attract others’ attention and keep relationships on track.

Eye contact, facial expression, tone of voice, posture, gesture, touch, intensity, timing, pace, and sounds that convey understanding engage the brain and influence others much more than your words alone.
The way we talk, listen, look, and move will produce a sense of interest, trust, excitement and desire for connection
– or they will generate fear, confusion, distrust and disinterest.
Nonverbal communication isn’t about words, but it’s not necessarily silent;
tone of voice or a well-placed sigh can say a great deal. And, it is a visual language.
If a conversationalist is standing stiffly,
the message he sends may be quite different than if he is visibly relaxed.
An obvious eye-roll or a subtle shrug can speak volumes
—even without the person’s conscious intention.
So, nonverbal communication is vital to keeping our relationships strong and healthy.
Part of improving our non-verbal communicant involves paying attention to:
Eye contact
Facial expression
Tone of voice
Nonverbal communication is the lifelong pulley that consciously or unconsciously sends either positive or negative signals to others.
Nothing reveals more to others about us, or attracts others to us, than wordless communication.
For more on developing this essential skill, see Nonverbal Communication Skills: The Power of Nonverbal communication and Body Language.
Relationship help skill #4:
The ability to use humor and play in your relationships
Playfulness and humor help you navigate and rise above difficult and embarrassing issues. Mutually shared positive experiences also lift you up, help you find inner resources needed to cope with disappointment and heartbreak, and give you the will to maintain a positive connection to your work and your loved ones.
Using playful communication in your relationships helps you to:
Take hardships in stride. By allowing us to view our frustrations and disappointments from new perspectives, laughter and play enable us to survive annoyances, hard times, and setbacks.
Smooth over differences. Using gentle humor often helps us say things that might be difficult without creating a flap.
Simultaneously relax and restore energy. Play relaxes our bodies and recharges our emotional batteries.
To learn more, see Playful Communication in Relationships: The Power of Laughter, Humor, and Play.
Relationship help skill #5:
The ability to resolve conflicts in your relationships
The way you respond to differences and disagreements in personal and professional relationships can create hostility and irreparable rifts, or it can initiate the building of safety and trust.
Your capacity to take conflict in stride and to forgive easily is supported by your ability to manage stress, to be emotionally available, to communicate nonverbally, and to laugh easily.
Conflict in relationships can be a deal breaker and a heart breaker.
Two people can’t possibly always have the same needs, opinions and expectations—
and that needn’t be a bad thing!
But when conflict is resolved in a healthy way,
it can be a cornerstone for trust between people.
When conflict isn’t perceived as threatening or punishing, it fosters freedom, creativity, trust and safety in relationships.
Resolving conflict in a positive way involves:
Staying focused in the present.
When we are emotionally present and not holding on to old hurts and resentments, we can recognize the reality of a current situation and view it as a new opportunity for resolving old feelings about conflicts.
Choosing your arguments.
Consider what is worth arguing about and what is not.
Pick your battles wisely.
Being able to forgive.
If you continue to be harmed protect yourself.
But if not conflict resolution involves releasing the urge to punish.
Ending conflicts that can't be resolved.
It takes two people to keep an argument going.
If you can’t find common ground, let the argument go.
Once you know how to remain emotionally present, and manage stress, you can avoid overreacting or under-reacting in emotionally charged situations.
And with the aid of nonverbal communication and humor you can catch and defuse many issues before they escalate into conflict.

Oct 6, 2009

Emotional Intelligence

The best things in life
– success, happiness, love –
depend on our ability to create and maintain great relationships. Most of us do a good job with relationships at the start, only to stumble down the road.
Why do relationships develop such challenging problems?
relationship problems are due to a breakdown in the skills of emotional intelligence.
Fortunately, it’s never too late to develop these skills and raise your emotional intelligence abilities.
Once you’ve learned the five key emotional intelligence skills, you’ll be able to create and sustain secure, successful, long-lasting relationships.
The skills of emotional intelligence help you:
Build rewarding,
lasting relationships
Stay calm and focused,
regardless of the circumstances
Understand your own motivations,
feelings, and needs
Recognize the difference between damaging and helpful communication Accurately “read” other people
Defuse arguments and repair wounded feelings
Find more playfulness and joy in your relationships
Transform conflict into an opportunity for building trust.
What is your current emotional intelligence skill level?
Your emotional intelligence is your set of key relationship skills or abilities that help you establish strong relationships and deal with relationship problems.
Find your emotional intelligence skill level by answering usually, sometimes, or rarely to the questions in this quick relationship quiz.
Test your emotional intelligence
Do you feel connected when talking to most people?
Or are you easily distracted?
Are you comfortable with pauses?
Do you feel at ease when no one is speaking?
Do you sense when someone feels troubled before being told?
Do you judge or criticize some of your emotions or feelings?
Do you pay attention to your gut feelings when making important decisions?
Do you immediately notice when you become stressed?
Do you know how to quickly calm yourself down when you’re stressed?
Do you laugh, play, or kid around with others?
Do you use humor to negotiate rough spots?
Can you easily deal with differences and disagreements?
Answering usually to most of the questions indicates that you have a good start toward emotionally intelligent communication in your relationships. If your answers were primarily sometimes or rarely, you may need some help developing your relationship skills.
Relationship help: The five key skills...stay tuned

Oct 2, 2009


Honor Your Inner Radiance
Tame the insidious voices that make you feel worthless or small and celebrate your own magnificence every day.
~By Patricia Spadaro
The biggest roadblock to success in life is self-doubt.
Doubt makes you susceptible to the critical voices-
-inside and out--

Don't let doubt stop you in your tracks.
To keep doubts and doubters at bay,
learn to celebrate the magnificent, shining part of you-
-even when life's storms momentarily eclipse its brilliance.

You could.....
Write Yourself a Love Letter
Pretend for a moment that you are your own greatest advocate and cheerleader.
Now write a supportive and encouraging note to yourself as if you were cheering yourself on.
Then pop it in an envelope and mail it to yourself.
When you are traveling, send a postcard with an inspiring message to your home address. Right before shutting down your e-mail for the night, send yourself a note of appreciation so that you will see it first thing when you download your e-mail the next day.
Develop the habit of applauding your own greatness in tangible ways.

Oct 1, 2009

A Prayer for Today

This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it ** or use it for
but what I do today is IMPORTANT, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it!
When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that i have traded for it.
I want it to be Gain and not loss:
Good, and not evil:
SUCCESS, and not failure;
in order that I shall not regret the price I have paid for it.

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Live a balanced life - learn some & think some & draw

& PaInT & sInG & DaNcE & PlAy & WoRk every day some.

You & i... walking with me all this time

Prov. 31:17 She sets about her work vigorously

Prov. 31:17 She sets about her work vigorously

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