Silence, Space, Within, Inner Peace, Silêncio, Consciousness, Satori, Being, Awareness, Who am I, Emptiness, Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Spirit, Essence of Reality, Mystical Union, Buddha Mind, Silencio, Meditation, Truth, Dzogchen, Love, God, Allah, Nirvana, Void, Advaita Vedanta, I Am, One Taste, Contemplation, I am th

A gentle, loving, inner peace and silence is here and now in this moment. It has always been this way. It is always here. It is right here within you and all around you, a stillness, an apparent void, a seeming nothingness out of which everything arises, exists, and eventually returns.
You know this. You have felt this.
There is nothing more than this.
You are this.
This is truth.
This is not some esoteric

This silence is right here in you, every single moment of your life.
This pure silence contains you, your being-ness and yet the silence is your very being.
This silence allows the entire universe to be.
All existence, everything that is, all matter and energy, all thought is contained in this silence.
This pure silence is what some have called Truth, Infinity, Reality, Enlightenment, Nothingness, God, Great or Holy Spirit, The Now, True Self, I am, Consciousness and Love.

This silence is a mystery beyond mind, beyond what the human brain can fully comprehend. Like a beautiful diamond, we can only see a few facets at a time. This mystery is seemingly far beyond us-our capacity to understand, to know. And yet this is contained within our very selves, and this contains us as well.
The greatest wonder of this is that you and I, above all other life forms on this planet are able to be consciously aware of this reality, now.
Yes, you are aware of this, though perhaps you have not experienced this yet. Perhaps you have not realized this.
This awareness of ours, this consciousness of being, is the silence itself.

The silence is the very space of being.

In you, being has become aware of itself.
There is only this.
We have spent thousands of years denying what is more present to us than our very breath, our very heartbeat.
This silence permeates everything and is the allow-er of everything. The silence allows us to be and to be free.
There is only this.
You are this!
All that you need, all that you seek, all that you hope and long for is containe

This web site may just help you to know this, to realize this and to live out of this silence.
All you need to do is stop and just be: Now!
There is only this:
Pure Silence
Welcome to YOU my friend
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