Complaining, like all thought patterns, is not mere observation.
Complaining is a creative act.
The more you complain, the more you summon your creative energies to attract something to complain about.
Your complaints may seem fully justified, but realize that whenever you complain, you are placing your order for more of the same.
Complaining is not merely about the past.
Whenever you make a complaint, realize you are setting an intention — a goal — for the future.
Note that complaining is not the same thing as having a negative emotional reaction.
Complaining is the act of reinforcing what you don’t want and intending even more of it.
It’s the act of dwelling on the negative.
People who complain trap themselves in a reality that constantly gives them more to complain about.
People who complain trap themselves in a reality that constantly gives them more to complain about.
Life keeps harshing on them. Their luck is below average. They never get any real breaks. Unfortunate circumstances, seemingly beyond their control, keep manifesting. It seems totally unfair, but it isn’t. The complainers are merely witnessing the fulfillment of their own requests. Every thought is an intention, and complainers habitually intend what they don’t want. So it makes perfect sense they live in a reality congruent with those thoughts. The complainer may tell you their reality is causing their complaints, but it’s more accurate to say their reality is reflecting their complaints.
Complaining is also addictive. The more you do it, even within your own mind, the more it becomes an ingrained habit and the harder it is to stop.
Complaining and the Law of Attraction
I’ve seen many a person claim to be using the Law of Attraction properly, holding only positive intentions and thinking predominantly about what they want to attract. Then after a few weeks of little or no results, they fire off an explosion of complaints:.
In practice you will see some intenders hold their intentions patiently for months and years, while complainers will usually give up within the first 30 days. Why? You might not like what I’m going to say, but the truth is that the
complainers were predisposed to eventually give up.
Complaining is also addictive. The more you do it, even within your own mind, the more it becomes an ingrained habit and the harder it is to stop.
Complaining and the Law of Attraction
I’ve seen many a person claim to be using the Law of Attraction properly, holding only positive intentions and thinking predominantly about what they want to attract. Then after a few weeks of little or no results, they fire off an explosion of complaints:.
In practice you will see some intenders hold their intentions patiently for months and years, while complainers will usually give up within the first 30 days. Why? You might not like what I’m going to say, but the truth is that the

Failure was their true background intention.
Your lifetime of thoughts acts like a resonating band of intention. That band’s overall signature determines what kind of life you live. A chronic complainer will manifest a predominantly negative life. A positive thinker will manifest a predominantly positive life.
Your thoughts/intentions are not time-bound. If you’re going to complain at some point in the future, that complaint
will subtly affect you today.
The complainer seed
Here’s another way to think about this, one that might be a little easier to accept if you’re very attached to linear thinking. Consider that if something unfortunate happens to you, and you’re going to complain about it afterwards, then there must have been some kind of complainer seed within you in the first place… before that negative event took place. You must already have been the kind of person who’s predisposed to complain. And if that seed is there, you can bet the LoA is going to pick up on it.
Really positive people who are good at manifesting don’t complain. Even when things don’t go their way, they keep directing their thoughts towards the positive side. They expect that things will eventually go their way. They also take action to participate in the positive manifestation. Setbacks don’t make them throw in the towel and curse the LoA because they don’t harbor the complainer seed. They’re not going to be perfect about it, but this is their dominant pattern.
Assuming total responsibility
You see… the real solution to complaining is responsibility. You must say to the universe (and mean it), “I want to accept more responsibility for everything in my experience.”
Here are some examples of what I mean by accepting responsibility:
If I’m unhappy, it’s because I’m creating it.
If there’s a problem in the world that bothers me, I’m responsi
ble for fixing it.
If someone is in need, I’m responsible for helping them.
If I want something, it’s up to me to achieve it.
If I want certain people in my life, I must attract and invite them to be with me.
If I don’t like my present circumstances, I must end them.
On the flip side, it may also help to take responsibility for all the good in your life. The good stuff didn’t just happen to you. You created it. Well done..
Your lifetime of thoughts acts like a resonating band of intention. That band’s overall signature determines what kind of life you live. A chronic complainer will manifest a predominantly negative life. A positive thinker will manifest a predominantly positive life.
Your thoughts/intentions are not time-bound. If you’re going to complain at some point in the future, that complaint

The complainer seed
Here’s another way to think about this, one that might be a little easier to accept if you’re very attached to linear thinking. Consider that if something unfortunate happens to you, and you’re going to complain about it afterwards, then there must have been some kind of complainer seed within you in the first place… before that negative event took place. You must already have been the kind of person who’s predisposed to complain. And if that seed is there, you can bet the LoA is going to pick up on it.
Really positive people who are good at manifesting don’t complain. Even when things don’t go their way, they keep directing their thoughts towards the positive side. They expect that things will eventually go their way. They also take action to participate in the positive manifestation. Setbacks don’t make them throw in the towel and curse the LoA because they don’t harbor the complainer seed. They’re not going to be perfect about it, but this is their dominant pattern.
Assuming total responsibility
You see… the real solution to complaining is responsibility. You must say to the universe (and mean it), “I want to accept more responsibility for everything in my experience.”
Here are some examples of what I mean by accepting responsibility:
If I’m unhappy, it’s because I’m creating it.
If there’s a problem in the world that bothers me, I’m responsi

If someone is in need, I’m responsible for helping them.
If I want something, it’s up to me to achieve it.
If I want certain people in my life, I must attract and invite them to be with me.
If I don’t like my present circumstances, I must end them.
On the flip side, it may also help to take responsibility for all the good in your life. The good stuff didn’t just happen to you. You created it. Well done..

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