Jul 30, 2008

SaD....but kinda funny...Boyfriend of woman stuck to toilet gets probation

NESS CITY, Kan. - A man whose girlfriend sat on a toilet for so long that the seat adhered to her body will spend six months on probation.
Kory McFarren pleaded no contest last month to a misdemeanor count of mistreatment of a dependent adult. A judge sentenced him Tuesday to six months in jail but granted the probation after the victim, Pam Babcock, asked for leniency.
"She didn't believe that her circumstances were his fault," Ness County Attorney Craig Crosswhite said.
Babcock's plight became known in February when McFarren called the Ness County sheriff, expressing concern about his live-in girlfriend. When authorities arrived, they found Babcock physically stuck to the toilet.
McFarren told police Babcock had refused to come out of the bathroom for two years. Medical personnel estimated she'd been sitting on the toilet for at least a month and said the seat had adhered to sores on her body.
She is now under the protection of a guardian who was appointed through the legal department at the hospital where she received treatment.
Also Tuesday, McFarren was sentenced to six months in jail for an unrelated charge of lewd and lascivious behavior for exposing himself to a teenage neighbor in March.

what the report doesn't give you is that this man....IS MENTALLY CHALLENGED...

Jul 29, 2008

Hidden inside each image is an object which appears in 3D when viewed correctly.

Male Female






Tea Pot


How do I see them?
Most Stereogram pictures are usually generated so that if you look at (converge your eyes on) a position twice as far away as the picture, and focus on the picture, generally after a few minutes you see a surprising 3D image!
Most people find this extremely difficult for the first time.
You have to focus on a point which is different from where you are looking. This is known as "de-coupling" your vision process. Instinctively people focus at the same point they are looking at, and this is the main obstacle.
Things aren't always as they APPEAR...

Jul 26, 2008

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
SAM WALTON, as quoted in The 101 Greatest Business Principles of All Time
To be a leader, you have to make people want to follow you, and nobody wants to follow someone who doesn't know where he is going.
A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example.
When we think we lead, we are most led.
LORD BYRON, The Two Foscari
A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.

Jul 24, 2008

manners strive to make everyone around you feel comfortable...

Improve your manners when speaking. Here are other common etiquette mistakes and their solution.

~Give gratitude.
~Treat others as you would like to be treated.

~Having manners is like the Golden Rule.
It is enlightened self protection. ????
When you get up in the morning, and come across someone in your household, always say "Good morning."
Manners are little rules that help us all act with respect toward one another.
If you are unsure what to do in a particular situation,
~+*remember that manners strive to make everyone around you feel comfortable, and take action based on this thought.
Some people feel that being "mannered" is "fake" or unauthentic.
Instead, realize that manners are social conventions that make interactions easier and more pleasant.
Start your day off by smiling and feeling positive.
~Treat everyone you come across with respect.
~If someone else is speaking, try hard not to be domineering by taking over the story or subject matter at hand...even if you feel that you can tell it better. Try to let them finish what they are saying, before adding your two cents.
Start showing your manners with your parents.
~Avoid annoying others with your cell phone.
~Be sure to turn it off in movie theaters, and don't drive with a cell phone stuck to your ear . It is not only dangerous, but will cause others to think that you are rude, especially when you are cutting in front of them in traffic and so forth...show some manners.
Good manners will never go out of style, so practice having good manners. It can only help you in the long run.
If you are receiving an award shake the giver's hand.
One of the easiest ways to appear good mannered is to be silent and only talk when you have something important to say. This adds weight to your words.
~Always use the essentials - ma'am, sir, pardon, thank you, my pleasure etc.
Manners are often dictated by good sense.
~Do not talk with your mouth full
Eat or talk, but do not do both at the same time.

Jul 23, 2008


In order to present a good impression to others, you need to act like you weren't raised in a barn! It is very difficult to deal with people that have no manners or have no concern for others.
Common Sense Stuff:
~Choose your words wisely and don't rush to comment about things you don't know much about.
~Being a good listener is often better than speaking.
~You don't need to have an opinion on everything.
~Think things out before you speak, especially if you are a person who may be poor at finding the right words to say.
~Speak with respect for others.
~You can do this by avoiding negative remarks that may insult someone else.
~Do not use expressions or theoretical examples that imply disrespect or degradation or that invite people to imagine offensive scenarios, such as "what is up your butt?" or "how would you feel if someone..." followed by a description of violent or degrading acts. You may not intend this as offensive, but it is.
~Always respect older people, and listen to them and learn.
Using the terms "Thank You," and "You are Welcome" shows that you have manners.
~Hold open a door for anyone following you closely.
This is a sign of good manners and has never changed. There are no strict gender rules in this day and age.
~Speak highly of your parents, even if there are things about them that you do not like.
If you cannot do that, stay away from speaking about them at all around others. It looks tacky to insult or speak badly of the people who brought you into this world or raised you.
+ Don't air dirty laundry about your family. It's tacky and rude.
+ Try not to swear or use curse words so much.
Profanity is a sign of an unchallenged mind.
+Try to show that you are more interested in the person you are speaking to by asking them questions about themselves.
*Don't steal their spotlight by just talking about yourself. You don't want to come off as selfish.
*Pay attention to how you carry yourself. In other words, act like you have some class, which goes hand in hand with manners.
*Don't slouch, have a neat appearance, shake hands, be clean, hold your head high.
*Don't put other people down, belittle them or spread gossip.
*Never openly criticize someone in an attempt to put them down or to make yourself look better.

*Be complimentary and positive.
Having an opinion is one thing, but being insulting is a sign of bad manners. it is never polite to tell secrets in front of someone. If someone else is gossiping or belittling them, show you understand in a neutral way (a small nod to show you comprehend or an "mmhmm" should do) and then go on to compliment them on something as closely related as possible.
Don't interrupt another person who is speaking, regardless of even if it is a casual conversation.
Try to let them finish what they are saying; in other words, listen.
Get off the phone before entering a restroom.
No one cares to hear you doing your business.
Just Common Sense Stuff...

Jul 18, 2008

How to Stop Complaining

Complaining, like all thought patterns, is not mere observation.
Complaining is a creative act.
The more you complain, the more you summon your creative energies to attract something to complain about.
Your complaints may seem fully justified, but realize that whenever you complain, you are placing your order for more of the same.
Complaining is not merely about the past.

Whenever you make a complaint, realize you are setting an intention — a goal — for the future.
Note that complaining is not the same thing as having a negative emotional reaction.
That first-response negative reaction is OK.

Complaining is the act of reinforcing what you don’t want and intending even more of it.
It’s the act of dwelling on the negative.
People who complain trap themselves in a reality that constantly gives them more to complain about.
Life keeps harshing on them. Their luck is below average. They never get any real breaks. Unfortunate circumstances, seemingly beyond their control, keep manifesting. It seems totally unfair, but it isn’t. The complainers are merely witnessing the fulfillment of their own requests. Every thought is an intention, and complainers habitually intend what they don’t want. So it makes perfect sense they live in a reality congruent with those thoughts. The complainer may tell you their reality is causing their complaints, but it’s more accurate to say their reality is reflecting their complaints.
Complaining is also addictive. The more you do it, even within your own mind, the more it becomes an ingrained habit and the harder it is to stop.
Complaining and the Law of Attraction
I’ve seen many a person claim to be using the Law of Attraction properly, holding only positive intentions and thinking predominantly about what they want to attract. Then after a few weeks of little or no results, they fire off an explosion of complaints:.
In practice you will see some intenders hold their intentions patiently for months and years, while complainers will usually give up within the first 30 days. Why? You might not like what I’m going to say, but the truth is that the complainers were predisposed to eventually give up.
Failure was their true background intention.
Your lifetime of thoughts acts like a resonating band of intention. That band’s overall signature determines what kind of life you live. A chronic complainer will manifest a predominantly negative life. A positive thinker will manifest a predominantly positive life.
Your thoughts/intentions are not time-bound. If you’re going to complain at some point in the future, that complaint will subtly affect you today.
The complainer seed
Here’s another way to think about this, one that might be a little easier to accept if you’re very attached to linear thinking. Consider that if something unfortunate happens to you, and you’re going to complain about it afterwards, then there must have been some kind of complainer seed within you in the first place… before that negative event took place. You must already have been the kind of person who’s predisposed to complain. And if that seed is there, you can bet the LoA is going to pick up on it.
Really positive people who are good at manifesting don’t complain. Even when things don’t go their way, they keep directing their thoughts towards the positive side. They expect that things will eventually go their way. They also take action to participate in the positive manifestation. Setbacks don’t make them throw in the towel and curse the LoA because they don’t harbor the complainer seed. They’re not going to be perfect about it, but this is their dominant pattern.
Assuming total responsibility
You see… the real solution to complaining is responsibility. You must say to the universe (and mean it), “I want to accept more responsibility for everything in my experience.”
Here are some examples of what I mean by accepting responsibility:
If I’m unhappy, it’s because I’m creating it.
If there’s a problem in the world that bothers me, I’m responsible for fixing it.
If someone is in need, I’m responsible for helping them.
If I want something, it’s up to me to achieve it.
If I want certain people in my life, I must attract and invite them to be with me.
If I don’t like my present circumstances, I must end them.
On the flip side, it may also help to take responsibility for all the good in your life. The good stuff didn’t just happen to you. You created it. Well done..

Jul 16, 2008

Every moment is a chance...

Every moment is a chance to turn it all around
~Vanilla Sky

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.
~Henry Louis Mencken,
If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.
~Mark Twain
Who lies for you will lie against you.
~Bosnian Proverb
No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar.
~Abraham Lincoln
Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure there is one less rascal in the world.
~Thomas Carlyle
A half truth is a whole lie.
Dare to be true: nothing can need a lie:
Honesty is the rarest wealth anyone can possess!
~Josh Billings
The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff.
~Ambrose Bierce...ouch and does that hurt....lol
A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
~Edgar J. Mohn
When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback.
~Bill Copeland
We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger.
Bold~Tad Williams
Truth fears no questions. ~Unknown
Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.
~Thomas Jefferson
If you want to ruin the truth, stretch it.
~Author Unknown


Live a balanced life - learn some & think some & draw

& PaInT & sInG & DaNcE & PlAy & WoRk every day some.

You & i... walking with me all this time

Prov. 31:17 She sets about her work vigorously

Prov. 31:17 She sets about her work vigorously

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