Mental, emotional & social health. A child that is confident is more likely to succeed academically and socially. He will also be a much happier and better adjusted person in general. Step1 Express your affection often to your child through your words and actions. Let him know you believe in him. Apologize if you are wrong and express your love. Step 2 compliment her and acknowledge her achievements. Positive feedback is helpful in helping her gain confidence in her abilities. Respect her choices and direct her if necessary without putting her down. Step 3 Assure him that making mistakes is part of the learning process. The important thing is to learn from the experience and strive to be better. Step 4 Accept his/her for who she is instead of trying to make her what you want her to be. Forcing your dreams and aspirations on her is unfair. Step 5 Acknowledge his/her fears and insecurities and show empathy. Build on his strengths and avoid picking on weaknesses or faults. Avoid being sarcastic, especially when he makes a mistake. Step 6 Take an interest in her/his hobbies, friends and the things that he has to share with you. Encourage her to learn new things or pick a hobby that she enjoys. Support him in his endeavors and do not complain or nag. Spend quality time with your child, whether it be talking or playing. Have fun and avoid lecturing during fun times. Step 7 Provide opportunities to help her develop or excel in a talent that she may have such as singing, playing the piano or a sport that she loves. Step 8 Watch what you say to your friends or neighbors about him as he may overhear them. Do not compare him with other kids or siblings. Let him know that you love and appreciate him for who he is. Step 9 Give him/her responsibilities to fulfill such as daily or weekly chores. Being responsible plays a big part in building confidence. Step 10 Help her to choose good friends who will help encourage and motivate her. Be happy and have an optimistic outlook about everything. She will emulate your behavior. ************************************************************
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