Whether in the form of the vine, wine, or the fruit itself,

Whether in the form of the vine, wine, or the fruit itself,
The grape makes its first apperance in Genesis when, immediately after the flood, Noah planted a vineyard and made wine from the grapes.
In the New Testament, one of Jesus' first miracles involves the turning of water into wine." "Grapes have always been associated with miracles and IMMORTALITY. Yet, it is only recently that we began to understand just how vital --in the literal,
"necessary to the maintenance of life" sense of the word-- the most popular fruit of the Bible might really be.
It's becoming increasingly apparent that the use of grapes is strongly The mysteries of the health benefits of the fruit of the vine had intrigued scientists for centuries. But only in the last few years had the tools become available to enable them to seek to unlock
the secrets of the grape.
Leading researchers decided that the logical place to begin their search was to examine the inner workings of the grape plant itself to see if it would yield any clues that would point them down rewarding investigative paths.
Leading researchers decided that the logical place to begin their search was to examine the inner workings of the grape plant itself to see if it would yield any clues that would point them down rewarding investigative paths.
In 1992, when investigative scientists identified a grape compound called resveratrol, which was quickly linked to the phenomenon calle
d "The French Paradox", the low incidence of heart disease enjoyed by the French, who eat a notoriously fatty diet, but who are protected by drinking red wine.
The scientists discovered that some of Resveratrol's cardiovascular benefits result from the fact that it is a strong antioxidant that is active against a wide range of free-radicals.
This allows resveratrol to inhibit blood clotting and the oxidation of bad cholesterol, two primary factors contibuting to plaque formations in the arteries. Another reason that resveratrol has proven effective in mitigating cardiovascular disease is that it increases the synthesis of nitric oxide, which allow the cells that line our blood vessels to relax, thereby enhancing blood flow.
Some of the most exciting discoveries are coming in the field of cancer research.
In in-vitro studies, resveratrol inhibits tumors during ALL THREE STAGES in the early development of cancer. Perhaps resveratrol's most important cancer preventive property is that it inhibits a PRO-inflammatory ensyme called cyclooxygenase-2, or COX-2 for short. COX-2 is involved in the production of the prostaglandins that stimulate tumor growth, suppress the immune system and activate carcinogens. These are very good reasons for wanting to inhibit the over-expression of COX-2 with all natural, and totally safe, COX-2 inhibitors that are found in nature.
Now, in the twenty first century, just as in the days of ancient Persia, we need wholly safe and effective cures for the ravages caused by COX-2, a pro inflamma enzyme.
While King Jamsheed's concubine got complete relief from her headache when she drank a batch of fermented grapes, we can do even better. we can eliminate the pain and destruction caused by COX-2 simply by comsuming natural juices containing standardized levels of the miralce molecule,
Resvertrol--natures' own COX-2 inhibitor!"
If you are interested in experiencing the positive beneiftis of this Opportunity contact:
If you are interested in experiencing the positive beneiftis of this Opportunity contact:
Kirby Mayle 330.313.4649
Darren Watson 330.863.4078
The Good Book to Great Health
Arnold J. Susser, Ph.d
Terry Coyle
momentum media health series
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