Honor Your Inner Radiance
Tame the insidious voices that make you feel worthless or small and celebrate your own magnificence every day.
~By Patricia Spadaro
The biggest roadblock to success in life is self-doubt.
Tame the insidious voices that make you feel worthless or small and celebrate your own magnificence every day.
~By Patricia Spadaro
The biggest roadblock to success in life is self-doubt.
Doubt makes you susceptible to the critical voices-
-inside and out--
Don't let doubt stop you in your tracks.
To keep doubts and doubters at bay,
learn to celebrate the magnificent, shining part of you-
You could.....
Write Yourself a Love Letter
Pretend for a moment that you are your own greatest advocate and cheerleader.
Pretend for a moment that you are your own greatest advocate and cheerleader.
Now write a supportive and encouraging note to yourself as if you were cheering yourself on.
Then pop it in an envelope and mail it to yourself.
When you are traveling, send a postcard with an inspiring message to your home address. Right before shutting down your e-mail for the night, send yourself a note of appreciation so that you will see it first thing when you download your e-mail the next day.
Develop the habit of applauding your own greatness in tangible ways.
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