Find Some Solitude
This can be challenging if you are at work, or at home with kids as creative and energetic as mine.
But we all need some private time to let the nervous system regenerate.
I must have known this back in college, because I opted for a tiny single room (a nun's closet, quite literally), rather than going in on a larger room with a closet big enough to store my sweaters. When three of my good
friends begged me to go in with them on a killer quad, I told them, "Nope. Can't do it.

Need my alone time, or else none of you would want to be around me.
Trust me."My senior year I went to the extent of pasting black construction paper on the window above my door so no one would know if I was there, in order to get the hours of solitude that I needed.
Be creative.
Find your space.
Any way you can.
Even it involves black construction paper.
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