Parenting Strategies:
• Channel energy into appropriate and fun activities.
• Childproof the house from child's point of view.
• Set clear, consistent limits.
• Provide nutritious snacks for refueling. Don't expect child to sit for too long at mealtime.
• Provide rest periods during the day, even if he/she doesn't sleep.
• Make sure child gets enough sleep at night.
• Don't rough house at bedtime. Use calming routines to settle down (reading stories).
• Place in groups with slightly older (or active) children.
If also intense:
• Notice "signals" of escalating intensity.
• Use soothing activities (swinging, rocking) or distractions to reduce intensity.
• Provide place for child to "cool down" to let off steam.
• Teach what is allowed in expressing intensity - teach "words" to use.
• Keep your voice and manner calm.
• Channel energy into appropriate and fun activities.
• Childproof the house from child's point of view.
• Set clear, consistent limits.
• Provide nutritious snacks for refueling. Don't expect child to sit for too long at mealtime.
• Provide rest periods during the day, even if he/she doesn't sleep.
• Make sure child gets enough sleep at night.
• Don't rough house at bedtime. Use calming routines to settle down (reading stories).
• Place in groups with slightly older (or active) children.

If also intense:
• Notice "signals" of escalating intensity.
• Use soothing activities (swinging, rocking) or distractions to reduce intensity.
• Provide place for child to "cool down" to let off steam.
• Teach what is allowed in expressing intensity - teach "words" to use.
• Keep your voice and manner calm.