Welcome to You...
Undoubtedly, we become what we enVISION.
--Claude M. Bristol
Right now.
Just as YOU are, just the way YOU look as you read those three words:
YOU. Are. Beautiful.
YOU are beautiful.
Now say it in the first person singular.
I am beautiful.
Do you know that?
If so, remind yourself of this glorious fact every day.
If not, it is time to become beautiful in your own eyes.
This will require a makeover of sorts, but not the kind you think.
Learning to love the way you look has nothing to do with starting a diet or reshaping your eyebrows.
I love me,
I love me not-
-I love me.
Beauty may only be skin deep, but there is nothing superficial about the complicated relationship that a woman has with her appearance
Beauty may only be skin deep, but there is nothing superficial about the complicated relationship that a woman has with her appearance
. How you see yourself and how you think other people see you
—your body image—
is deeply connected to how you feel about yourself.
The effects of a negative body image can be devastating.
The effects of a negative body image can be devastating.
If you don't like the way you look, you probably don't like the woman you are.
And those feelings of worthlessness, self-consciousness, and inadequacy will insinuate their way into nearly every area of your life—into your friendships, your career, your romances, and, most importantly, your relationship with yourself.
A positive body image is equally powerful.
A positive body image is equally powerful.
It is not an instant solution to all of life's problems,
but a starting point, a spark that can set off a fabulous chain reaction.
Loving how you look when you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror or store window paves the path of self-love, and with that acceptance comes self-esteem, confidence, and authentic beauty, a radiance that glows from within, beauty that is more than skin deep.