Be Blessed!
Live a balanced life - learn some & think some & draw
& PaInT & sInG & DaNcE & PlAy & WoRk every day some.
My Blog List
No More “Charity” For MCA
1. UMNO must reclaim the Malay majority seats of Air Hitam and Tanjung
Piai, which we allowed MCA to contest out of our misplaced camaraderie.
2. Ours ...
4 weeks ago
Eruptions !
We all have our pet peeves. And we all like things a certain way. Some
habits are formed during the growing up years and others, we acquire over
time. So ...
1 month ago
Movies Watched
The Caller
The Visit
8 years ago
Positive Thinking And Its Effect On Your Health
The first situation to consider is the relationship between thoughts and
conditions like depression and stress. A crucial question is whether the
9 years ago
Ask Mummy Gibson
[see Mum's last post here]
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer
yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own...
9 years ago
Picking Up The Broken Pieces...
Are you falling apart, overwhelmed, or stressed out as a result of the
pressures of life...? You know the feeling too well, you feel tired of
everything, o...
9 years ago
Big Red Kidney Walk
A certain little miss has decided that she is going to walk the entire 2km
of the Big Red Kidney walk in her walker tomorrow. Last year she walked it
9 years ago
Moving Day
This blog is moving.
Actually, moving day was yesterday. I had a long hiatus that I hadn't
planned on. And I did some thinking. Basically, what I realize...
9 years ago
Final ColorScript, backyard.
9 years ago
All Things New - Can't Hold Me Down (Lyric Video)
Get off me devil
Don’t need your trouble
I know you come like a thief in the night
I’ve got the Good News
And I’m here to tell you
No you’re never gonna win...
9 years ago
Låna 50000 kr direkt
Om du har behov av en stor personligt lån, säger 50.000, då finns det en
hel del oddsen staplade mot dig i det rådande ekonomiska klimatet. Stora
lån är ...
9 years ago
Planning a Wedding
Why is it sooooooo difficult?
Why can't everyone just be on board to flying wherever I want!?
Everyone has a say.. everyone has an opinion... ...
11 years ago
A liquor-drenched review of Doubled Exposure
So, I got a little hung up on the idea of liquor as a metaphor for D
Charles Speer and the Helix's latest album, Doubled Exposure, and may have
gone too fa...
11 years ago
And a new month, a year and a decade begins
In a few hours, a new day will dawn, bringing with it, the promise of a new
year. And in a few days, a new decade will dawn in my life as I bid goodbye
to ...
11 years ago
Beautiful Women Don't Pay
I just really liked this video and I think it had a really great message.
11 years ago
Pamela Floral Top - Pink
Code : Z2173 Pink
Measurement :
Shoulder to Sleeve:28cm
Color :
Status :
Pre Order
RM 36
11 years ago
Cleveland Jones Sings from the Heart
Soul artist Cleveland Jones wears his heart on his sleeve in his debut
album, *Ace of Hearts*. And that’s not a bad thing. Jones’ deliciously
raspy, ela...
11 years ago
What is being a father to you like...?
Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was kind of
scared so he asked his little daughter, 'Sweetheart, please hold my hand so
12 years ago
A little boy went to a telephone booth which was at the cash counter of a
store and dialed a number.
The store-owner observed and listened to the conver...
12 years ago
Motivational blog
Evaluating Your Associations *by Jim Rohn*
If you were to evaluate the major influences in your life that have shaped
the kind of person you are, this has ...
13 years ago
3 quarters of a year
mg turned 9 months. i'm still in denial.
i'm going to have to apologize to him later for dropping the ball on the
cute month-by-month pictures. i always ...
13 years ago
Still planning
Our travel plans have a major adjustments. We might be including another
country in our trip. Although, we are excited, it also creates additional,
13 years ago
Last December, we at CGS Music Ministry went out of town for a short
vacation -- in BAGUIO!! Just imagine 22 food-lovers, camera-addicts in one
house, one ...
14 years ago
Cleaning up my shop a bit to make room for new work in 2011.
Use the code "cya2010" in the notes to seller at checkout and receive 25%
off your order. No m...
14 years ago
FFA474 Orange - Cosmic Collisions (2010)
| Electronica | Noise | Ambient |
Independent music never sounded so fresh. New ideas flow, and old ideas are
recycled. Truth is, no matter how rushed a mu...
14 years ago
We have moved!
14 years ago
Inspiration d'un de mes prof de photo. Voici une photo macro prise a
travers le dos de notre Rolleiflex.
14 years ago
New Blog Site
*Thanks for stopping by here. *
*I'm at a new site, which better reflects *
*where I'm currently living and shooting. *
*Check out The F-Stops Here... *
15 years ago
Asian Delights for Tea
When I was a little child, i once had a dream so vivid that i still
remember to this day. A little old man was selling his sweet desserts in a
small wood...
15 years ago
New Product 2010 !
Earn 75% With The Popular Satellite Tv Software. Our Online Tv Software Convert Better With The New Localized Landing Page System. To Get Your Special Auto Geo Targeted Link
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