NOT having all the information
2. uninformed; unaware.
don't Judge...
Pray don't find fault with the man who limps or stumbles along the road...
2. uninformed; unaware.
don't Judge...
Pray don't find fault with the man who limps or stumbles along the road...
There may be tacks in his shoes that hurt, though hidden away from view, Or the burden he bears...placed on your back, might cause you to stumble too.
Don't sneer at the man who's down today!

Don't be too harsh with the man who sins or pelt him with word or stone Unless you are sure...yea doubly surethat you have no sins of your own...For you know...perhaps if the tempt

~Author Unknown
We are not put on earth to judge

Instead, when we come upon someone who is going through a difficult time, for one reason or other, lend them a helping hand.
Your efforts of kindness will be returned to you two-fold...Remember always...
"It is no secret what God can do"